ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Кафедра иностранных языков
Практикум к практическим занятиям и самостоятельной работе для студентов и курсантов 2 курса специальности 26.05.06 «Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок» очной и заочной формы обучения
Керчь, 2016 г.
УДК 811.111’276.6:621.3
Составитель: Маркевич Т.А., ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ»
Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены на заседании кафедры иностранных языков ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ», протокол № от 2016 г.
Зав. кафедрой О.Н. Кручина
Методические указания утверждены и рекомендованы к публикации на заседании методической комиссии МФ ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ», протокол № ___от_________20___ г.
ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ», 2016 г.
UNIT 1. SOME INFORMATION ABOUT NECESSARY REPAIR Repairs to hull, machinery and equipment are effected by the ship’s crew in so far as practible. Voyage repairs must be kept at a minimum consistent with operating and safety requirements stated in appropriate international conventions and company regulations and instructions. When repairs or service representatives are required on arrival in port to enable the ship to proceed on her voyage with safety, the ship’s agent should be notified, giving complete information regarding the required repairs. The technical division office of the shipping company must be kept informed of voyage repair requirements of an individual ship. All preparations should be made by the vessel prior to arrival in port to insure prompt accomplishment of such repairs. In case of emergency when some machinery fails the vessels call at foreign ports for repairs. But if a ship is built at a foreign shipyard it's a common practice to repair the ship at the same yard. In foreign ports negotiations with dock masters (if the ship needs dry docking in case of sea growth or fouling damage of the ship's hull or propeller), engineers’ port authorities are carried out through the ship's agent. But the captain or his chief mate, the chief engineer should always take an active part in such talks. They discuss the list of repairs with shipyards representatives, verify the scope of the work and check up the repair process. Several categories of shiprepair work can be identified, as well as conversion to prepare a ship for some new service. A shiprepair contract can vary in duration from a few hours, to days, weeks or months. Repair work can be categorised in increasing order of scale and cost: - Voyage repairs, where minor repairs are carried out with a ship in service, often during a stay in port. This may be remote from a shiprepair site. - Routine docking, where the ship is docked for hull coating renewal, and for any other required underwater work to be carried out, when the opportunity is taken to make other repairs. As ships age these dockings include special surveys, which may result in steelwork renewals. Other major refits, where the ship is substantially re-equipped, may also be carried out. - Damage repairs, where extensive work, particularly to the ship’s structure, may be required. These are the result of groundings, collisions and other accidents. - Conversion, where a ship is refitted for a different use. During the course of these repairs, different classes of work are carried out, reflecting the diversity of ship types and of the equipment installed in them. The work typically includes: - Cleaning and painting, underwater fittings. - Steelwork, replacement of corroded or damaged material. - Machinery overhauls and repairs. - Miscellaneous work, on deck equipment, accommodation and other systems. While being docked the engineers should examine the stern tube, propeller, injection valves and sea connections. If there's breakage of machinery, the ship needs repairing. Minor repairs are usually effected by the engine-room staff, but if the machinery requires major repairs the ship should be placed in a shipyard. The representatives of local repair shop are invited on board the ship and the chief engineer must explain the peculiarities of the work to be done and discuss all details of the repair. On completion of work and trials the chief engineer signs the protocol of delivery and the agent pays money to the repair shop on behalf of the ship. Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: